The Jurors were handed the case on Monday, April 19, 2021. And, at that time I prayed they would see this trial against Former Officer Chauvin the way I did. 9:29 Seconds. And, how arrogant this officer looked with his knee on the neck of George Floyd in broad front of people.....with his hands in his pocket.
Well, he had his day in court and America prevailed. Justice and accountability prevailed. I was so proud of State Attorney Keith Ellison. The TEAM he put together. He referred to them as, "A team full of Michael Jordans."
Again, I prayed the Jurors saw and understood this case as I did. I was anxious when the word came that they had reach a verdict in this case. And, even though this seemed a slam dunk case......the Travonn Martin case seem that way too.
America changed yesterday. The Verdict gave us hope and inspiration to move forward and do more. We CANNOT sit still.